Thursday, 29 November 2007

When you fulfill purpose, then you have lived

It is indeed true that when purpose is not defined, abuse is inevitable. The only thing that guarantees success is purpose. As a matter of fact, one has only succeeded in any venture when, at the completion of such venture, one has realized what was the aim at the front-end of the venture. So, if at the beginning, you do not know what is to be accomplished it makes success unrealistic. And so it is with life.

Everyone living is here on earth with a particular intention in the heart of the maker. As a matter of fact, apart from mad men anyway, no man does anything without an intention, no matter how unreasonable or otherwise. So, God would not have created anybody without an intention. And one’s life only becomes meaningful as you discover what He had in mind while forming you and pursuing after it so as to accomplish it.

Life is not about how far but how well. It makes no sense living up to old age without fulfilling the purpose of one’s existence. And it is not about attaining one high position or acquiring enormous material position. That is becoming a raving success by men’s standard as Rick Warren put it in his classic, ‘Purpose-driven Life’.

It is about realizing God’s intention for your life. In Jeremiah 1:5, He told Prophet Jeremiah, “I ordained you a prophet unto the nations”. In Matthew 1:21, He said “and you shall call his name JESUS: for He shall save His people from their sins”. So you can see that there's a particular description of what to do for each person. No man’s life is meant to be ambiguous as there’s or there are definite thing(s) each person is sent to do. Apostle Paul in II Tim. 4:7 said, ‘I have finished my course’.

Just like in school, for you to pass out with a particular degree, there are particular courses to take. You cannot take courses leading to a degree in Accounting and be awarded a degree in Engineering. So in life, you cannot afford to do just anything and be welcome by your maker as a faithful servant at the end of your life.

Life has an end and only those who fulfill purpose would have lived. Create a moment of sober reflection, search out the purpose of your life and LIVE IT OUT!

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