Friday, 30 November 2007

Allow yourself to dream

One truth is this: whatever you cannot conceive, you cannot achieve. Ideas are the bedrocks of achievement and ideas are products of imagination. Conceive; let it become real in your imagination. Then, you can hope to have it really real.

Some call it daydreaming and some say it is building castles in the air; and so it is discouraged. But if you will not allow your imagination to be stretched, you will never have the release of ideas that could change the course of history.

We all know too well that many of those who eventually went down in history as the greatest inventors were actually ridiculed at the outset of their exploits. So, let nothing and no one disallow you from thinking and imagining wild. The truth is: NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE.

The reason why many people have not been able to realize their dreams is simply because they stopped at the point of dreaming. They could not connect their dreams with reality. The bridge between ‘dreamlands’ and reality is COURAGE. Courage to draw up a plan of action; courage to initiate the first step; courage to face up to the challenges; courage to deny oneself of pleasure in the pursuit of one’s dream; COURAGE.

One power of dream is that as you continue to have a repeat of it from time to time, it gradually starts becoming real and the possibilities become more visible. In a way, your thoughts attract the elements of your desire to you and before you know it, the means are there to begin the first steps towards attaining the high point of the dream.

Dare to dream! At least, you cannot be arrested for doing so.

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