Monday, 3 December 2007

The task of making Nigeria

I will want to aver that the task of making Nigeria GREAT, a nation we can all be proud of, is that of the people of Nigeria. The people must take responsibility and whatever it becomes of the country is what the people, consciously or unconsciously, have made it.

As a people, we cannot afford to be on-lookers, folding our arms doing nothing, concerning issues that affect our lives. The nation belongs to everybody of this origin and that places the responsibility on us. Wherever we might find ourselves, we must live with a sense of responsibility about the lot of our country. We must be concerned. And like someone rightly said, ‘if you are not a part of the solution you must be a part of the problem’.

Nigeria’s problems are multi-faceted and seem insurmountable but the truth is there’s always a way out. Nigeria can indeed be a success story. All that is required are genuineness of purpose and commitment on our part, particularly the youths of this age.

Before looking at the bigger picture of various aspects of our national existence that require attention whilst providing solution ideas, I will want to re-iterate the following 3 as areas we can begin to ACT.

One, I will draw our attention to the capacity in us to recreate ourselves, becoming instruments of change and thus anchoring positive change in our neighbourhoods. We need to explore the capacity in us to reinforce the values of Patriotism, Responsibility, Truth, Standard, Objectivity, Contentment, Knowledge, Prosperity and National interest as we conduct our daily business. We must be different if we must make a difference.

Furthermore, we need to create in ourselves a heart for the nation. It must continue to resonate in our hearts that ‘I have a part to play and I must not jettison the responsibility if Nigeria will ever make it’. You only get results in any endeavour when your heart is in it. We must become passionate about this nation.

Lastly, we must realize the need to stand up for the truth at all times, in all things and in all places. This will come with a great price of laying down our lives or opportunities we should have but we must realize that there is no Prize without a Price.

To sum it all, the change we want to see must begin with us from within us.

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