Friday, 14 December 2007

Make ‘The Best’ your aim

Greatness does not come from what you do but how you do what you do. So, there is nothing you cannot make it big from. All that is required of you in whatever is it that you do is to work hard at it that you become the preferred choice in it. Always look for better ways to do the same thing others are doing and stay ahead.

‘Do you see a man that is diligent in his business? He shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before mean men’. Rather than looking at what another man is doing and feeling disadvantaged, stick to what you have placed on your hands; go extra miles in developing yourself on the new trends in that discipline, set goals, be focused, be disciplined and be determined to make the most out of it & become the best. ‘Whatever your hand finds to do, do it well.’

Many a people have been into things that are relatively unrecognized but today they have become celebrities because they gave their best to what they have chosen to do. They remained consistent on purpose, added value to themselves by way of skills acquisition, exploited opportunities within their reach and pushed through challenges.

Don’t just do things for the sake of just being there, adding to the number; you have the capacity to stand out and set new records. So, why settle for anything else? Listen, the world couldn’t have been what it is today, if some people have not developed an inner indignation for ordinary results. And the world can still be a lot better if we can have those who will step out of the usual, go the extra mile, do the extraordinary and as such make new discoveries and create new directions.

The best results only occur one step past where most people give up. And that step is across the dividing line between the ordinary and the extraordinary. Only a few people cross this mark and make remarkable difference in their field of endeavour. It requires inner strength, that personal power to attract what we choose to have in life and surpass the average.

Even when you are not being appreciated on your job, don’t decide to do it haphazardly. All we do today will be part of history and I’m sure you will, tomorrow, want to be among those who made a difference in the world of today. So, look beyond the limitations & the unfriendly environment and passionately seek to be the best in whatever is it you’re doing. Do not allow yourself to be looked down upon. You can make it, so go for it. The Best.

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